• It’s important to understand that a personal brand is not a logo. A personal brand is the highest expression of who you came here to be. Audibly, visually, creatively, expressively. It’s so much more than a logo. It’s what you want to transmit to the world and what you think will resonate with people. It starts with uncovering who you are, creating the elements of your brand strategy, and THEN… working on your brand name and logo from there.

    We’ve all heard the analogy of peeling back the layers of the onion to get to the core of the problem. Well in this case, that’s very accurate. We want to peel back the layers that have been built up around you over your lifetime to understand the very core of who you are. Personal brand is not surface level. That’s why a logo is not a brand, it’s only what your brand looks like externally.

    Ultimately, a personal brand is not what you did or what you do. It’s who you are. And it’s the first place you should start if you’re considering creating a business from your NIL.

  • Personal brand is important today because YOU are YOUR most valuable asset. In today’s world there is more focus on who you are, rather than what you’ve done All skills are trainable. But having a strong core, deep purpose, and impactful values… are not. There is no other YOU out there. Be seen, be heard and own exactly who you are. This will create a sense of TRUST in everything you do and become. And will create longevity in your personal brand to help you stand out from everyone else.

  • 1. It’s an asset to have your personal brand defined.

    YOU are your greatest asset. Assets appreciate over time and increase in value, and so will you. By having your personal brand established early on in your career, it will give you a focused direction to move forward and shape your life long after you retire from your sport.

    2. It makes you unique.

    How many other athletes out there do you think have their personal brand defined? I would suggest it’s less than 1%. Creating your personal brand is a great way to stand out and make you unique. You’ll become valuable to your team, your coaching staff, your fellow students, your fans, and most importantly BRAND PARTNERS that will invest in your brand.

    3. Helps build emotional connections with your fans.

    We all know how important it is to have buy-in from your fans. Creating deep connection is certainly a great way to do that. You can share your personal brand with your fans and help them get to know you at a much deeper level, creating an emotional connection. This will help your brand grow.

    4. Keeps you focused.

    When you think back to choosing what to study in college, were you able to narrow down your options without knowing what direction you wanted your career to go in? Likely not. So how can you successfully navigate your NIL without knowing who you are, and second, knowing where you want to go? By developing your personal brand, you not only get to define who you are, but the path you are headed down and where you want to be in your future. That will keep you focused in a clear direction.

    5. Creates confidence in your delivery.

    There’s something about being confident in ourselves that gives us the strength and courage to stand by what we do and create incredible things. When you explore who you are at your core and have confidence in that, creating will come more naturally to you. And putting yourself out there to your fans will come with ease knowing, and aligning, with who you truly are.

    6. You have control over it.

    As Michelle Obama said in her book “If you don’t get out there and define yourself, you’ll be quickly and inaccurately defined by others”. Only YOU have control over your personal brand. No one else does. So, before you are labeled, or defined by your experience, or what you have or haven’t achieved… define your brand yourself and uncover who you are at the core without external pressures.

  • The timeline for this process is really guided by you and how much of your time you can give to it. But a standard timeline for reference is approximately 2 weeks for the Brand Uncovery Workshop and Brand Bible.

  • Each element of the personal branding process is priced as a menu of services. You may choose to work with us on all elements, or just the Brand Uncovery Workshop and the Brand Bible. It’s up to you and where you feel you need the most support. We are open to working with you to suit your budget. But here’s our basic pricing structure:

    Brand Uncovery Workshop - $3,333 CAD

    Mini-Brand Uncovery - $1,777 CAD

    Goal Setting - $1,111 CAD

    Brand Bible - $5,555 CAD

    Marketing / Content Strategy - $2,222 CAD

    Content Plan - $3,333 CAD

    Opportunity Strategy - $1,111 CAD

    We can tailor our process to suit your budget so, please connect with us to discuss.

  • Yes. Based on your budget and your goals, we can tailor our program to suit you and your needs.

  • Connect with us. We’ll have an initial conversation about your, your goals, and how Dan can help you achieve them. From there, we will craft a strategy that best suits you. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. We customize this program for YOU and your unique brand.