Impact. What’s yours?

This is what we do.

  • The Brand Uncovery Workshop

    It all begins by bringing the people together who know you better than you know yourself. At Dan, we’ve created a proprietary BRAND UNCOVERY WORKSHOP to help us go deep and uncover the core of who you are. We host virtual or in-person workshops with unique and fun exercises to set the foundation for your brand.

  • The Brand Bible

    Next, comes your Brand Bible. This is your mother ship, your personal brand strategy, that will guide everything you do from this day forward. It will give you your focused direction and is the ultimate foundation for the future of your brand. It includes things like purpose, values, personality, vision, core messages, value proposition, and the part you’ll probably love most… your visual identity (this is your logo and creative).

  • Marketing and Content Strategy

    After we create your “why”, we then develop your “how”. How you will bring your personal brand to light. We’ll set your brand KPI’s and the core pillars of your content. This is the strategy that helps you figure out how to generate brand awareness, build your content, and help you understand where you want to focus your time and resources.

  • Content Planning

    You’re busy. We get it. You’re training, practicing, performing and trying to keep your life together at the same time. We’ve got you. We develop clear, simple, and easy to execute content plans that will make executing your brand simple while saving you the time you need to focus on your game or your business.

  • Brand Opportunities

    Our goal here is to help you generate revenue and create valuable longevity for your brand. We’ll work to source opportunities for your brand like personal appearances, brand partnerships, sponsorships, collaborations, social media, and more. We’ll build an opportunity strategy with you to achieve your brand goals, whatever those might be.

  • Life After... ?

    If you’re an athlete, you know that your time in your sport is going to be short. Athletes and their advisors often aren’t thinking about what’s next, almost until it’s too late. NOW is the time to build your personal brand to generate revenue and create a legacy that will live long after you hang up your cleats, put away your stick, or walk off the court. We’ll work with you to build a Life After Sport plan that eases you into retirement.

  • Agent Contract Negotiations

    Krista is a registered PWHLPA agent. She can support you with draft interest, contract negotiations, trades, training camp invites, and navigating strategy behind your role in the PWHL.

  • Philanthropy

    Maybe the goal of your personal brand is to give back. We’ll support you in setting up your registered charity or foundation and work closely with your team or organization to gain support.